
Midi Section | The Peoples of Juno's realm
Juno's Realm of Midis
Midi Section

This is the Page that is filled with Midis!

(note: You must have a music or sound device that is compatable with midis to play the music. Most computer have midis players with them. If your's does not, Gomen ^^;)


These are the Midis! ^^ Enjoy!

Apollo's theme (This is Apollo's main them, even Apollo the Moon and not just Apollo herself)

Apollo Castle (This is used when Juno and her companions are running through Apollo's castle to meet her upfront and close)

Battle (It's just a cool Battle Theme and it works for me)

Black Death (This is This is Queen Kokushibyou's aka Queen of Black death's theme. Kokushibyou rules over Apollo)

Come with Me (This theme is used often when Juno must lead her friends through the unknown)

Crystal Palace (This is when Juno enters the Crystal Palace for the first time)

Dreams (This name of this Midi is decieving, but this is what plays when ever Juno dreams of Serenity)

Endless War (Played when Juno fights with Kokushibyou, very techno ee;)

Evil Airashii (That's right, Tifuru's sister turns evil on her. Koksuhibyou somehow is using her)

Evil Juno (Tifuru turns evil as well, thinking that killing all the other senshi would save Serenity's Life)

Festival (This theme is really not played for any festival, but for anytime someone makes a comical outbreak)

Festival II (This is played at a real Festival though ^^)

Fight Forever (Played when Juno fights with Apollo after she beats Koksuhibyou, for the title of Priestess of Jupiter and to transform into the next Herione of Jupiter, Sailor Juniper)

Final Test (After Apollo is beaten, Juno must sacrafice her life to stop the Moon from exploding and to save her friends)

Imperium Silver Crystal (What a cool new theme for the crystal of the Moon ^^)

Juno's Castle II (Played when Juno is made Priestess of Jupiter and Sailor Juniper)

Juno's Castle (The Castle of Juno's theme)

Juno's Story (Juno explains everything to her friends... why she is Juno, why she came to earth, and what her TRUE purpose is)

Juno's Wish (Juno makes one final wish... and it seems to come true... {hint: Neo Queen Serenity's court... and all her friends)

Juno's Theme (It's Juno's theme! ^.^v)

Kisuki (I can't believe it, I got a Midi here named after Kisuki aka Sailor Chibi-Venus ^^;)

Little Tifu-ko (Played when Tifuru has a flashback of going to Earth's Moon for the first time... and seeing the Princess... She is so impressed by her she admires her every being. So she often put her hair up in pig tails, and gave herself the same bangs as her too. She even swore to protect the Princess one day)

Lost Love (Played when Tifuru finally relieases... that Serenity really isn't the one she adores anymore)

Megami (Played when Juno is remebering the ISC{Imperium Silver Crystal}, and how she can refine it's power by using all of her energy)

My Serenity (Played when Juno finally meets Serenity... but when she does... it ends up... that her Serenity is really someone else)

Only Friend (Played when Tifuru crowns Kisuki the new Priestess of Venus, because she really has earned it)

Planet Juno (Well, Juno isn't a planet, but this is played when everyone lands on the Moon called Juno)

Returning (Played when Tifuru has to say a final Farewell to her friends, a painful farewell to go back to her own moon and do her duty as Sailor Juniper and Priestess of Jupiter)

Sadness (Played when Juno is found deathly-pale in the middle of her own castle, after saving her friends by stopping the explosion of Juno)

Sisters (Played when Airashii is finally seen or when both sisters are seen together and look nothing alike)

Tension (When ever there is evil in the air, the tension will be there)

Thank you (Played when Tifuru thanks Kisuki for everything, and gives her a silver pendent, which holds the Imperium Topaz Crystal inside, the soure of the Oringal Venus's power)

Tifu-ko (Tifuru's Theme! ^-^)

Tifuru's Home (Played when Tifuru is going back to Juno for the final time. She begins to remember all her friends... and starts to miss them... Chibi-Venus... Fifi... all of them)

Training (When Apollo is PO'd and deadly serious about kicking some of her own minion's butts)

Usagi-chan (Another song played when ever someone makes a comical outbreak)

Usagi-chan II (A more stuffed version of it! ^^)

Victory (Victory! ^^)

Juno's Realm of Midis

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